Under Security in Application Options there a few general security settings for the application. (See Library and Folder Security to find out more about DMS related security.)
Only users with administrator permissions can access Security settings.
Allow login remembrance for users - When this is disabled, users will not be able to choose 'Remember me' when logging into the system.
Make passwords case insensitive - This is especially useful for PowerPro compatibility as PowerPro passwords are not case sensitive.
Enforce password complexity - Use this option to ensure that users have complex, secure passwords. Enabling this will require that passwords are a minimum of 8 characters long and contain upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers and at least one of the following special characters: ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = [ ] { } ? < > , . : ;
Note that the following character are not permitted: ' " \ / |
Minimum password length - Set the minimum password length to be enforced for user passwords. When Enforce password complexity is turned on the minimum password length is 8 otherwise it is 4 characters.
Enable and enforce two-factor authentication (2FA) for management logins - See below
Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for Document Portal users - See below